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How to Play UNO All Wild! Card Game: Rules & Review

We believe that everyone may have played the classic UNO card game for many times already; but have you tried the latest version of UNO playing card game: UNO All Wild! Card Game? In this version, every single card is a Wild card. Some new Wild Action Cards are added into the game and give a fun twist to it. Let's see how we can play with that!

Category - Family/Party

Difficulties - ★☆☆☆☆

Players - 2-10 Players

Playing Time - 10 Minutes

Recommended Ages - 7+


  • 112 Cards

  • Instructions

How to Win

Be the first player to get rid of their cards. At the end of game, the player who has the lowest points overall wins!


Shuffle all the cards well and deal 7 cards to each player. Place the remaining cards face down in the centre of the table to form a Draw Pile. Flip over the top card of the Draw Pile and put it next to it to start the Discard Pile. Ignore the action if the first card is a Wild Action Card.

How to Play

The starting player plays a card first and continue playing in a clockwise direction until someone played a reverse Wild Action Card. You can only play one card from your hands each turn. Perform the action of the card when you play it.

In this UNO All Wild! version, it is probably impossible to be unable to play any card at your turn. However, if the next player in order is about to finish the game with their last card in hands, you could choose to draw a card (if you are lucky enough to get a special Wild Action Card) and play it straight away, which means, you might be able to stop them!

Wild Action Cards, aka the Special Cards in this version, include actions such as skip two players, target a player to draw two cards, swap hands with other players, and more.

End of Round

The first player to get rid of their cards is the winner of each round. However, you must yell "UNO" to alert the other players when you are down to your last card that you are about to win. If someone beats you before the next card is played, you must draw 2 cards from the Draw Pile!

End of Game

Each Wild Card is worth 20 points, while Wild Action Card is worth 50 points each. Sum up the points based on the cards left in the losing player's hands in each round. Keep a running tally of each player's points and whoever reaches 500 points is the winner.


Mattel UNO All Wild! Card Game is a special twist of the classic UNO card game for game nights and parties. This card game could be too classic to be liked; but for those who are looking for some exciting and quick card drafting game, this is definitely a better choice comparing to any other UNO card games.

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