Are you crazy about the Sagrada board game just like us? We extremely love this game and decided to get the 5-6 player expansion to add little extra to the base game. If you are interested in getting one but haven't made your decision yet, read on to see if we could help you with that!

40 Translucent Dice in 5 colours (Red, Yellow, Green, Blue & Purple)
2 Player Boards for Dice Placement
6 Double-sided Window Pattern Cards
2 Tool Cards
6 Private Objective Cards
6 Private Dice Pool Boards
2 Score Markers
12 Favour Tokens
1 Dice Tray
1 Rule Book

New Feature - Private Dice Pool Rules
This feature is new to the Sagarda base game. The optional Private Dice Pool Rules may help speed up the dice drafting. Each player will be given a Private Dice Pool Board when you choose to play the game with this special rule. Give 2 dice of each colours (in a total of 10) to every player. These dice will be rolled before the game start.

Floodgate Games Sagrada 5-6 Player Expansion is absolutely a must if you need to add up to 2 more players to the game. In addition, you get some new Window Pattern Cards, Private Objective Cards, and a Dice Tray to enhance your Sagrada experience. A new feature of Private Dice Pool Rules also allows you to draft dice from your own dice pool that you could foresee. Does it make your game play any easier? You'll only find out when you tried it.